DeMarcus Lawrence Snubbed A Young Giants Fan Out Of An Autograph Because He Was Wearing A Saquon Jersey

It truly pains me to say this, but I stand behind the actions of a Dallas Cowboy. That kids parents set him up to fail when they threw him out there pandering to the enemy with a Saquon jersey on and DeMarcus Lawrence was all too happy to metaphorically chokeslam him through the table of rejection before they posted this video on social media. I actually respect DeMarcus more for saying no for a kid that was probably cheering against him with every ounce of his being minutes earlier.

However as is often the case in rejection, there were a couple of good lessons to be learned in all of this:

1. No amount of names scribbled on some shitty towel are worth selling out your fandom for, especially in a classic division like the NFC East.

2. Never trust your parents in the age of social media where they will post a video of you getting your little soul ripped out for some viral clout.

and of course

3. Fuck the Cowboys.

P.S. I wish I could bet every dollar in my bank account that Saquon will give this kid an autographed jersey within the next 24 hours. Nicest dude in the world.

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